Data Collected

Week One: Regular showering

April 15, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 6 minutes.
          Height of water: 3.5 inches.
          Volume: 4116 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 17.8181 gallons
Dad:  Length of shower: 5 minutes.
         Height of water: 2 inches.
         Volume: 2352 inches3
         Amount of H2O: 10.1818 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 15 minutes.
         Height of water: 6.75 inches.
         Volume: 7938 inches3
         Amount of H2O: 34.3636 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 15 minutes.
         Height of water: 6 inches.
         Volume: 7056 inches3
         Amount of H2O: 30.5454 gallons
Total Gallons: 92.9089 gallons

April 16, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 5.5 minutes.
          Height of water: 3 inches.
          Volume: 3528 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 15.2727 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 3 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.5 inches.
          Volume: 2940 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 12.7272 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 9 minutes.
          Height of water: 4 inches.
          Volume: 4704 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 20.3636 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 18 minutes.
          Height of water: 7 inches.
          Volume: 8232 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 35.6363 gallons
Total Gallons: 83.9998 gallons

April 17, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 5.5 minutes.
          Height of water: 3.25 inches.
          Volume: 3822 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 16.5454 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 5 minutes.
          Height of water: 2 inches.
          Volume: 2352 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 10.1818 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 19 minutes.
          Height of water: 8 inches.
          Volume: 9408 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 40.7272 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 20 minutes.
          Height of water: 8.5 inches.
          Volume: 9996 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 43.2727 gallons
Total Gallons: 110.7271 gallons

April 18, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 6 minutes.
          Height of water: 3.5 inches.
          Volume: 4116 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 17.8181 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 5 minutes.
          Height of water: 2 inches.
          Volume: 2352 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 10.1818 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 11 minutes.
          Height of water: 5 inches.
          Volume: 5880 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 25.4545 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 19 minutes.
          Height of water: 7.25 inches.
          Volume: 8526 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 36.9090 gallons
Total Gallons: 90.3634 gallons

April 19, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 6 minutes.
          Height of water: 3 inches.
          Volume: 3528 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 15.2727 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 5 minutes.
          Height of water: 2 inches.
          Volume: 2352 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 10.1818 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 10 minutes.
          Height of water: 4.5 inches.
          Volume: 5292 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 22.9090 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 15 minutes.
          Height of water: 6.25 inches.
          Volume: 7350 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 31.8181 gallons
Total Gallons: 80.1816 gallons

April 20, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 5.5 minutes.
          Height of water: 3 inches.
          Volume: 3528 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 15.2727 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 5 minutes.
          Height of water: 2 inches.
          Volume: 2352 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 10.1818 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 10 minutes.
          Height of water: 4.5 inches.
          Volume: 5292 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 22.9090 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 17 minutes.
          Height of water: 7.5 inches.
          Volume: 8820inches3
          Amount of H2O: 38.1818 gallons
Total Gallons: 86.5453 gallons

April 21, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 7 minutes.
          Height of water: 3.75 inches.
          Volume: 6660 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 28.8311 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 5 minutes.
          Height of water: 2 inches.
          Volume: 2352 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 10.1818 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 13 minutes.
          Height of water: 5.75 inches.
          Volume: 6762 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 29.2727 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 20 minutes.
          Height of water: 8.5 inches.
          Volume: 9996 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 43.2727 gallons
Total Gallons: 111.5583 gallons

Week Two: Turning water off while shampooing and soaping

April 22, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 6 minutes.
          Height of water: 3.5 inches.
          Volume: 4116 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 17.8181 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 3 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.5 inches.
          Volume: 2940 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 12.7272 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 19 minutes.
          Height of water: 8 inches.
          Volume: 9408 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 40.7272 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 17 minutes.
          Height of water: 7.25 inches.
          Volume: 8526 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 36.9090 gallons
Total Gallons: 108.1815 gallons

April 23, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 6 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.25 inches.
          Volume: 2940 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 12.7272 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 3 minutes.
          Height of water: 2 inches.
          Volume: 2352 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 10.1818 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 6 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.5 inches.
          Volume: 2940 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 12.7272 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 24 minutes.
          Height of water: 8.5 inches.
          Volume: 9996 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 43.2727 gallons
Total Gallons: 78.9089 gallons

April 24, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 8 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.75 inches.
          Volume: 3234 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 13.9999 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 3 minutes.
          Height of water: 2 inches.
          Volume: 2352 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 10.1818 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 7 minutes.
          Height of water: 3 inches.
          Volume: 3528 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 15.2727 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 33 minutes.
          Height of water: 8.75 inches.
          Volume: 10290 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 44.5454 gallons
Total Gallons: 83.9998 gallons

April 25, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 8.5 minutes.
          Height of water: 3 inches.
          Volume: 3528 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 15.2727 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 3 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.5 inches.
          Volume: 2940 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 12.7272 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 9.5 minutes.
          Height of water: 7 inches.
          Volume: 8232 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 35.6363 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 24 minutes.
          Height of water: 8.5 inches.
          Volume: 9996 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 43.2727 gallons
Total Gallons: 106.9089 gallons

April 26, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 6 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.5 inches.
          Volume: 2940 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 12.7272 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 5 minutes.
          Height of water: 3 inches.
          Volume: 3528 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 15.2727 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 7 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.5 inches.
          Volume: 2940 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 12.7272 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 24 minutes.
          Height of water: 9 inches.
          Volume: 10584 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 45.8181 gallons
Total Gallons: 86.5453 gallons

April 27, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 7 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.75 inches.
          Volume: 3234 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 13.9999 gallons
Dad: Length of shower: 3 minutes.
        Height of water: 2 inches.
        Volume: 2352 inches3
        Amount of H2O: 10.1818 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 6 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.75 inches.
          Volume: 5292 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 22.9090 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 23 minutes.
          Height of water: 8.5 inches.
          Volume: 9996 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 43.2727 gallons
Total Gallons: 90.3634 gallons

April 28, 2010
Mom: Length of shower: 6 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.5 inches.
          Volume: 2940 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 12.7272 gallons
Dad:   Length of shower: 3 minutes.
          Height of water: 2 inches.
          Volume: 2352 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 10.1818 gallons
Erika: Length of shower: 7 minutes.
          Height of water: 2.5 inches.
          Volume: 2940 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 12.7272 gallons
Alex:  Length of shower: 22 minutes.
          Height of water: 8.25 inches.
          Volume: 9702 inches3
          Amount of H2O: 41.9999 gallons
Total Gallons: 77.6361 gallons

Total gallons of H2O in the first week: 656.2844 gallons
Total gallons of H2O in the second week: 632.5439 gallons
Difference: 23.7405 gallons