
Hypothesis: The hypothesis states that turning off the water while shampooing and soaping will conserve more water than keeping it on because turning off water doesn't waste it.

Outline: The going "green" project was easy enough for my whole family to follow, hard enough to

 make me think critically because of all the data that needed tending to, and a good way to

measure how much water could be saved by taking simple steps in our everyday lives. The project

involves my whole family taking regular showers for one week. They record their time and the

height of the water in the 56 by 21 inch bathtub. After the first week my family will turn off the

water while shampooing and soaping to try and conserve water for another week. Each day the

volume off the water in the tub will be converted into gallons. The total amount of gallons will be

added up every day and at the end of each week. The data will be gathered, compared, and


Conclusion: My hypothesis was accepted because less water was used by turning off the water

 while shampooing and soaping. The first week used 656.2844 gallons of water but the second

 week only used 632.5439. The week of turning off the water (second week) used 23.7405 less

gallons of water then the week when the water was kept on the whole length of the shower (first


Analysis: For the most part this experiment went very well and according to plan. The data was a

 little shocking because the difference in gallons used between the two weeks was thought to be

 higher but only varied by 24 gallons. The data was gathered easily and willingly with the help of

 the participants. They were more then happy to aid in this experiment. There were multiple

 factors that were difficult to record and keep track of. One of the problems was to be able to trust

 the participants. The experiment relied on them to keep truthful data of the length of shower and

 height of the water after usage. They could have easily lied or copied data from another person. A

 different problem was that it might have been hard to get accurate measurements because the

 ruler had hard to see numbers. The data is accurate on how many gallons the shower used but

 may be a little out of place because of the length of showers. If a participant took a longer shower,

 then they would have used more water instead of a person who took a shorter shower. This is not

 a major problem because most of the shower lengths were close to the other weeks times. The

 experiment could have been done better by calculating the length of showers into the data to

 create a more accurate result in how many total gallons were used or using a constant length of

 shower. The measurements could have more accurate by using smaller decimals to get an exact

 height but would not have went over well with the participants.
     Attitude: My attitude towards being "green" has changed a little bit because of the data found.

 I think that turning off the shower while shampooing and soaping is a great way to conserve

 energy but many people would not do it. Most people just want to get in the shower and get

 out without putting the few extra steps into turning it off and on. My family feels it is too much

 work for such little progress and no one would continue to do it. They think it is not worth it and

 there are many other ways to be "green." I think one person cannot make a difference on the

 environment by themselves. There are too many people to outweigh your good deeds with their

 bad habits of not being "green." Living "green" impacts me directly because it enriches the

 environment I'm living in and gives m a good feeling inside. The day to day eco-friendly decisions

 add up to years which can benefit me and everyone else positively.