"greener" place and healthier environment for everyone and everything. People do not realize
how precious and vital it is to conserve as much water as possible. Less then 1% of all the water
in the world can be used for water since the other 99% consists of saltwater, in glaciers, in
inaccessible areas, and other places. A portion of the drinkable water is pumped from aquifers.
The less water used or more water conserved, the less pumping will have to occur. Too much
pumping of underground water can cause a variety of problems like a drop in lake levels, lessened
spring flow, receding wetlands, and poor water quality.
Most water which isn't pumped from underground is taken straight from freshwater sights like
rivers, streams, and springs. The water then has to be shipped to a purification plant and then
another one to ensure the quality of water being released to the public. Less then 10% of waste is
disposed correctly in which a large quantity of it goes into these vital water sources and causes a
more tedious purification process. The process that the water has to endure involves being
transported, two purification plants, and the other miscellaneous tasks involved. The whole
process creates emissions that pollutes the earth causinf more then enough greenhouse
gases. The less energy used to supply the increasing demand for water is less money for everyone
to pay since it would use less energy that is wasted because people did not choose to save
and conserve the water they use everyday.
- Taking a shower instead of a bath can save up around 30 gallons of water.
- Keeping a shower under 5 minutes could save around 1000 gallons yearly.
- Turning off the water while shampooing and conditioning could save around 50 gallons a week.
- 500 gallons a week can be saved with a eco-friendl showerhead.